Below some revies and comments that can also (except 3) be found at the bottom of this page on Amazon.

"The best kept secret in running!"
Reviewed in Canada on April 12, 2021
Jonathan S: "This book is certainly the best kept secret in running. It capitalizes on the biomechanical and neurological deficiencies of the physiology focused approaches like Daniels, Mcmillan, Canova, etc. The easy interval method is truly a gem. Forget the vaporflys. This is the best thing any runner could buy. For real!"

Ken S, USA: "As an over 65-year-old experienced runner, Easy Interval Method (EIM) is a preferred training method over the frequented stress and injury-related traditional methods of training. EIM benefits: less stress on my joints, improved recovery, performance, health, enjoyment from running. I highly recommend it."

Rodney M. (USA):
"The brilliance in this method of training (among other aspects) is the duration of the recovery. Another aspect that I like about EIM is that it is not just focused on aerobic/anaerobic metabolic conditioning but is looking at the effect the training has on the nervous system and the muscle-skeleton system. Lok talks about "reactivity" or "bounce" you get from more exposure to faster paced running. This increase in what exercise physiologists call leg spring stiffness helps with running economy. I highly recommend getting this book. This method is especially useful to those that want an alternative to high-volume training or want to gain the benefits of interval training in a gentler way. I think masters runners, in particular, would benefit well from this kind of programming."

Stephen C, USA: "Where has this book been my entire running and coaching life? This book encapsulates the why and how of what I experienced haphazardly. I’ve immediately switched to this methodology, and am using it for the many dozens of runners I coach. In my runners I’ve seen immediate results."

Comment of Manuel (USA): "This is simply the best training advice I have ever read. As a young runner I ran some pretty good times but always got injured from pushing my body beyond what it could handle. I discovered this book at age 65 and wish I had known this training approach 40 years ago. Klaas Lok has the resumé to speak with authority, and this book is a gift to runners of all abilities. I enjoy my training more than ever and have a “lift” in my legs I haven’t felt in years. Highly recommended!"

Reviewed in the United Kingdom, April 6, 2020
"A different approach"
"I like how its written, it’s quite informal and devoid of the' same old stuff' you get in most books. I am sure this book will be valuable to all types of runners but if your running is feeling a bit sluggish and you do not have a lot of pop in your legs you should really give this a read. Also, if you are not getting a lot of joy out of running this could help, as it is a really fun approach to the sport."

Dutchman Dirk Eidhof: "I am just a casual runner, for a few years already, but only for six months I am running with real pleasure. The reason? The book of Klaas Lok. Since I apply this way of training my aerobic endurance has improved a lot and have run many PB's (43 min at 10K at the moment). Also important: training is not just 3x a week making mileage, but each time a different session. Highly recommended!"
Martin D. in the FB group: "Thanks Klaas Lok, monumental work. It's fun, it's easy, and I am getting faster on only 4 sessions/week."

E-mail message from Andreas K. (35 yr), Germany: " I'm totally convinced by the EIM. My threshold, endurance and power are on a new level. With the EIM I've got the feeling that I found the missing piece in my training. In a 4-Mile race my goal was to run sub 20'. I ran 19:04 (2:58/k pace). I never thought I could compete at such a level." In 2022, Andreas K (at age 36) prepared himself for his first marathon using the EIM, without any long runs, just EIM interval training. "As it was my first marathon I ran (too) conservatively (2:23:20 - splits 1:12:38/1:10:42), but I ran strong, controlled and the race felt quite easy."

"Truly differentiated training philosophy"
JG (United Kingdom):
"Very interesting book that proposes a training philosophy that is truly different from most other methods without going against the fundamentals of exercise science. The book is straight to the point and the main concepts are laid out very clearly and seem very logical. It would be interesting if the author could collaborate with researchers to further validate his method and contrast it against more traditional methods such as Stephen Seiler's 80/20 or Jack Daniels', especially for sub-elite runners."

"Unique approach"
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 16, 2021.
"Fed up running slowly for hours every week or killing yourself with hard fast intervals... well now there is no need... fantastic book!"

Dutchman Egbert Dokter:
"I am 45 years old and since applying the schedules in your book I am running my best times ever and feel fit all year round. Before, my pb at 10km was 39:51, which costed me lot of pain and effort. After applying your schedules (with just 3-4 sessions a week), exactly one year later I already achieved 37:30 on the same course and a few months later even 36:52. My half-marathon time improved to 1:21:05, where I previously ran 1:31:17. My most enjoyable experience however, was my first ever marathon in Rotterdam, where I finished in 2:58:52. I followed your 4x/week training schedule for 95% and felt fit and confident all the way up to the marathon."

"Highly Recommended!"
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 19, 2020
"I have to say this book is exceptional and nothing like I have read before and believe me I have read a lot of books about running! I have started getting a spring in my step. Doing easy interval sessions at varying speeds every time I run is great and really enjoyable. I will update you on the results after I have had a good length of time training with this method. Highly recommended."

"Run faster the easy way"
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 16, 2020
"Essential reading for runners of all abilities. As a keen club runner who has read many running books I was impressed by the honest and evidence-based approach to running faster presented here. What makes me keen to try this approach for myself is how much effort has been made to make the philosophy applicable to the reader, with multiple pace charts and realistic training schedules. A must read!"

Giorgos A. (Greece): "The training was fun and not boring like the steady runs. After 16 weeks I did a 10k trial and I couldn't believe the result: 31:52, I literally crashed my PB, my legs felt so light and I was so relaxed during the whole 10k, I finished very strong and well. Thank you, Klaas Lok."

Wessel H. (Netherlands) in the Easy Interval Method Group on Facebook:
I finished my first marathon following the EIM. Previous marathons with more conventional training: 3:30 - 3:13 and 3:03. In Valencia 2023, I ran (age 36) my first sub 3-hour marathon! Very happy with my result!😃. I really enjoyed the training and the marathon itself. Followed the marathon plan from the book the best I could. No slow long runs at one pace like usual marathon training. Also set a new PB on the HM a few weeks before Valencia (1:21:05).

Tom S (England): "Another EIM marathon success story (2.45.17 in Valencia 2023, a 4-minute PB). Most people I've spoken to seem surprised when I tell them that I averaged 50 miles a week for 12 weeks, no traditional tempos or hard interval sessions".